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Ten Points to Remember about Tendons Article five of five by Debbie Cameron

Writer's picture: physiohillcrestphysiohillcrest

  1. The source of pain in tendons is unknown and there is no centralised sensitisation with a tendinopathy, i.e., it’s not in your head!

  2. Repair of the damaged fibres is not possible, yet the remaining fibres can take over from the damaged ones through a good exercise programme.

  3. 12 weeks of an exercise programme that consists of eccentric and isometric exercise with careful loading will improve tendinopathy clinically, but full recovery can take up to a year.

  4. Tendon neuroplastic training is useful (Masci 2023) where the ability to control muscle is practiced therefore restoring the brain-muscle connection. A metronome can be used for this purpose.

  5. MRI has no diagnosing nor prediction value because much of the normal population have asymptomatic degeneration in their tendons.

  6. Compressive and tensile loads lead to the greatest injury.

  7. Tensile force is more relevant than compression with regards to injury.

  8. Intense loading of tendon through exercise or activity causes depletion of the protein matrix up to 36 hours post activity.

  9. Your tendons need a recovery time after exercise and activity where there has been an increased loading.

  10. Pathological tendon has more good tissue but do respect pain.


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· Masci L (2023) Tendon Neuroplastic Training: More effective rehab for tendonitis Accessed 22/04/23.

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